Monday, February 15, 2010

2009 Wounded First Chakra...2010 Predictions for the Year of the Tiger

I found this piece of writing Fantastic and Oh so Accurate given what I have gone thru in the Last Few Years so I am reprinting the Blog Post Here at Chakra Now.
This definitely speaks to the wounded First Chakra we are all experiencing today.
I am happy to be on the path of being a Creditor in Commerce...the only way to be.

2010 Predictions from Voice of the

2009. Good riddance. It was the year of the “shyster.” It was a year where people would do and have done anything for money. It’s all been about money, hasn’t it? Families breaking apart because of money, people compromising themselves and who they are just to get money, people using their mistaken idea of money as power to lord it over others and take advantage of others…it’s been a sickening, desperate year and one that I am gladly done with.

Money is the energy of exchange. We are supposed to learn that NOW. I’m not talking about barter. I’m talking about the energy of money being the energy of exchange. On a planetary level we didn’t do so well with that this year. But learn it we must. If we don’t learn this, if we don’t start getting money in perspective, we aren’t going to be able to get to where we are supposed to get and we’ll cause ourselves more trouble. We will just stay stuck and have more of the same. The universe, everyone else, is waiting for us.

And stubbornly we refuse. We insist on glorifying these pieces of paper, often to the point of no return. What happens with this attitude is that our structures break down, our bonds with other people break down, our connections break down. When we glorify money, we are certainly missing the point.

What in the world would we do if the great cosmic paw came here and said “Enough!!! You have no more money! Figure something else out!” What would you do? Do you know who you are? When you know this, there is no fear and there is a way to receive everything you need.

When we are living in fear of not having enough, we get in our own way. We have the power to create anything we desire. The law of attraction brought us this foundation. But we don’t believe it anymore because it didn't bring us instant money. We don’t know how to make it so. We refuse to see the law of attraction for what it is. It’s a basis.

We don’t live the fact that we have the power to create anything we desire. Right now we’re living the opposite. And so we’re negatively manifesting and creating from our fear. We are effectively creating more and more fear. We insist that money is IT and are willing to die for that belief system. We firmly believe that money is power.

I find this very sad and look forward to what I hope is a new year without further nonsense in this area because as our connections break down, so does our DNA, so do our spirits, so do we on very root chakra levels. Without the root, the plant cannot be fed and therefore cannot survive, let alone flourish.

Here are just a few of the things I’ve encountered this year regarding the delusion of money as power:

• “Sponsor my radio show and I will hook you up with some of the most powerful people in Hollywood.” Translation: “All I really want is money so I can further my own career. And I want it NOW. You will never hear from me again.” (And I know that!)

• “Buy my bogus training program.” Translation: “All I really want is your identity and credit card number so I can cash fraudulent checks.” (And I know that!)

• “Help me change my life. In exchange for your kindness, I will try to have you killed.” Translation: “I have no intention of changing my life. All I really want to do is use any and all resources you’re willing to give me, cast my illnesses upon you and bring you down.” (And I know that!)

• “Print my books, be my publisher, be my agent representative. I have huge things happening and I am a representative of God!” Translation: “Send a car for me. All I really want is for everyone else to pay for everything I do and treat me as a celeb. I am a master manipulator because my back is up against the wall regarding money. I am entitled to money because I’ve had a very hard life. I will do or say anything to get money. I don’t care how much or what it costs you. You have more than enough. It’s all about me and my need for money.” (And I know that!)

• My brother told me that he would “piss on my grave” and hopes that my child flips his car over and dies in a horrible accident. Translation: “I need money and I need it now and I don’t care what I say to you because it’s your fault that I don’t have it. Not only that, but I really don’t care about you at all. Never did. I hope you die because it means more money for me. I’m all about money.” (And I know that!)

• “I’m instigating an international lawsuit for fraud over a $10 shipping charge. I want, need, and deserve free shipping to the UK.” Translation: I have no idea. I owe you nothing. Go threaten someone else.

• “You owe me $275 for half a job I performed 3 years ago and never billed you for. I never billed you because I never finished the job and never answered your email asking about what was happening or not happening. However, I’m now claiming a copyright regardless of how frivolous, as this was clearly “work for hire.” And so I’m going to file a copyright and trademark lawsuit. I’m doing this on Monday morning. It’s Saturday night at midnight.” Translation: “I need a fix and you’re it.”

• “I need money right now, so I will put you on Google maps for $500. I’ll give you a payment plan and hope to God that you never figure out that I am a rip off artist and that getting yourself on Google maps is totally free.” (And I know that!)

2009 was a year where everyone had an opportunity to show their true colors. Some did it better than others. My prediction for 2010 is that it’s going to be a much better year. And I know that.